Electrical engineering

Plastics are an integral part of many electric and electronic products. Their properties, such as light weight, durability or corrosion resistance, make them indispensable in manufacturing different components, such as casing, insulation or connectors. As an experienced manufacturer dealing with processing plastics, we are capable of handling even the most complex orders. We manufacture plastic accessories with insulating properties, components of electrical systems or parts of electrical equipment employed in the medical industry and other industry segments. The collaboration between workpiece manufacturers and electrical companies enables creating innovative, durable and functional products. Cooperating with us also makes it possible to cut manufacturing costs and introduce process novelties.


plastikowe złączniki do kabli


plastikowy złącznik do kabli


wtyczka kablowa


chwytak do podtrzymywania kabli


plastikowy klips


plastikowy klips


plastikowy klips


plastikowe złączki do kabli w wielu kolorach


szczypce do podtrzymywania kabli


plastikowa tacka


plastikowa obudowa


plastikowa obudowa z metalowa częścią